The Internet has truly revolutionized the distribution of learning materials. In the last couple of years, podcasts as learning aids have become increasingly popular, either as a stand-alone mini-course or as an enhancement to courses and programs delivered through more traditional sources. Spend a few moments Googling “podcasts for learning,” and soon you will be downloading podcasts to help you learn to speak English, Japanese, Italian and other languages; or podcasts offering instruction on Plato’s philosophy, current scientific issues, environmental concerns, and almost anything else you might want.
By John Doey | Submitted On May 30th, 2010
Are you looking for some ways to improve your spoken English? If so, continue reading, because this article is for people who want to do it! There are many things that you can do to improve your spoken English. Here are three of them.
1. Speak with your friends
If you don’t have many opportunities to speak with native speakers, you can always speak with your friends who also learn English as a second language. Just ask them and start speaking in English instead of speaking in your native language. This will tremendously help you improve your spoken English.
However, keep in mind that you need to speak exclusively in English, for example for 30 minutes. Don’t use your native language, try to explain everything in English!
2. Listen to music and podcasts
Listening can greatly help you improve your speaking skills, but you should also speak at the same time. How to do it? It’s simple: while listening to music, sing along (find the correct lyrics!), while listening to podcasts repeat after the speakers (look for podcasts with transcriptions). Listening without speaking will also help you, but not as much as imitating the speakers or singers.
3. Work on your accent by imitating native speakers
Your accent is very important if you want to improve your speaking skills. Decide which accent you want to learn: American, British or Australian (these are the major ones; American accent is the most popular and the most useful) and imitate native speakers. You can also learn the rules of pronunciation and intonation.
That’s it – three ways to improve your spoken English. I’m sure that if you put them to use, practice on a daily basis, and don’t give up, you’ll eventually achieve your goal! visit justpractice