Crime and law :TOP TIPS

If you need to polish up your legal English in order to further your law career with a more professional legal vocabulary, why not consider attending one of the most prestigious university English for lawyers programs in the world. You have worked hard to obtain your legal background and now you need to make sure your professionalism and hard work are appreciated by your clients and colleagues alike. The nuances and tonality of legal English is necessarily different than that of countries outside the UK and when you are intending to practice law or are seeking a situation in the legal community having a strong knowledge of legal English and how to use it may be paramount to your success in the field.

Look at it as assimilation into a new community. Knowing the backbone of law and where it applies is of course important, but knowing how to express those applications in the vernacular of your colleagues and clients is just as important to be an effective law professional. Knowing English for lawyers can give you a very important leg up on the competition too. When you take the time to learn legal English you show your commitment to the profession. And, of course knowing what is being said around you in the context of English law is important. You wouldn’t want to miss something just because you were not familiar with the use of a word or concept.

Understanding and communicating legal English is important for any legal professional wishing to be successful. The broad use of English legal terms is important to know for anyone involved in the legal industry. It should be obvious really and it certainly will be appreciated by anyone you come in contact with who knows the legal business. When you show your willingness to learn legal English you display the part of your character that knows and understands the importance of being proactive in forwarding your career as well as being able to best represent your clients.


When journeying abroad it is essential to have a very good ESL criminal vocabulary. You wish you do no longer need to use it, but simply in case you get into a problem or a person else wishes your assistance, you should ensure you already know masses of vocabulary approximately the regulation.

The letter of the law

Improve Your Vocabulary Fast

Understand what is happening if someone commits a crime or you need to go to court. All vocabulary needed!

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Legal English, Second Edition


Vocabulary for Law

Here are five tips to learn Legal English:

  1. Listen to the Study Legal English Podcast: The Study Legal English Podcast, hosted by Louise Kulbicki, aims to help lawyers and law students become fluent in legal English. It provides valuable resources and episodes that cover various legal topics. You can listen to the podcast for free on their website, iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, and other podcast apps [[1]].
  2. Read Legal News in English: To improve your legal English skills, regularly read legal news articles, court decisions, and developments in the law. There are many websites focused on the law that provide relevant content. By immersing yourself in legal texts in English, you’ll expand your vocabulary and become familiar with legal terminology [[3]].
  3. Engage in Conversations in English: Whenever possible, try to engage in conversations with colleagues and clients in English, specifically on legal topics. Discussing legal issues and recent developments will help you practice and improve your conversational skills in legal English. This real-life practice will enhance your ability to communicate effectively in professional settings [[3]].
  4. Attend Webinars and Conferences: Take advantage of opportunities to attend webinars and conferences conducted in English, especially those related to law. Participating in these events allows you to immerse yourself in legal discussions and gain exposure to different aspects of legal English. It’s also an excellent way to network with professionals in the field [[3]].
  5. Practice Speaking Out Loud: To become more comfortable with legal English, practice speaking out loud on legal topics. This helps you think and express yourself in English, improving your fluency and confidence. Additionally, it allows you to familiarize yourself with legal terminology and collocations. Regular practice will prepare you for future interactions, such as client meetings or court appearances [[3]].

By following these tips and consistently exposing yourself to legal English resources and practice, you’ll gradually enhance your understanding, fluency, and proficiency in legal English. Good luck with your language learning journey!

Learning Legal English on YouTube.

Please note that the availability and quality of the recommended videos may vary.

  1. Study Legal English with Louise: Louise offers a YouTube channel dedicated to studying Legal English. While I couldn’t access the specific videos, you can visit her channel at [1]. There, you may find a variety of lessons and resources to help you learn Legal English.
  2. Legal English Courses: Many educational institutions and professional training organizations offer Legal English courses on YouTube. You can search for specific courses or instructors that specialize in Legal English. Some popular channels may include lessons on legal terminology, contract drafting, legal writing, and more.
  3. Legal English Webinars and Talks: Keep an eye out for webinars or talks by legal professionals or language experts who focus on Legal English. These videos often cover various topics related to legal language and can provide valuable insights and practical knowledge.
  4. Online Legal English Communities: Consider joining online Legal English communities on platforms like YouTube, where learners and professionals discuss legal language, share resources, and provide support to each other. These communities can be a great source of additional learning materials and networking opportunities.

Remember, it’s essential to evaluate the credibility and expertise of the creators/instructors before relying on any specific YouTube channel or video. Additionally, supplementing your learning with textbooks, legal documents, and real-world practice will further enhance your understanding of Legal English.

To improve legal English, you can consider watching movies that focus on legal themes or have legal contexts. Here are some top movies that can help you enhance your legal English skills:

  1. “To Kill a Mockingbird” (1962): This classic film, based on Harper Lee’s novel, explores themes of racial inequality and justice in the American South. It provides valuable insights into legal language and courtroom procedures.
  2. “12 Angry Men” (1957): This gripping courtroom drama follows a jury’s deliberation in a murder trial. The film offers an in-depth examination of legal argumentation, persuasion, and the dynamics of jury decision-making.
  3. A Few Good Men” (1992): This courtroom thriller features a young lawyer defending two U.S. Marines accused of murder. It showcases legal strategies, cross-examinations, and the ethical challenges faced by attorneys.
  4. Philadelphia” (1993): Starring Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington, this film addresses discrimination and HIV/AIDS in the workplace. It explores legal issues related to employment law, discrimination, and civil rights.
  5. Legally Blonde” (2001): While this comedy may not be as serious as the others on the list, it offers a lighthearted take on legal education and the challenges faced by law students. It provides exposure to legal vocabulary and courtroom scenes.
  6. “Erin Brockovich” (2000): Based on a true story, this film follows a legal assistant who takes on a major corporation for contaminating the water supply. It highlights legal research, case investigation, and the pursuit of justice.
  7. Michael Clayton” (2007): This legal thriller explores the moral and ethical dilemmas faced by an attorney working for a large corporate law firm. It delves into issues such as corporate misconduct, whistleblowing, and legal ethics.
  8. “The Lincoln Lawyer” (2011): This courtroom drama follows a defense attorney who operates out of his car and takes on a high-profile case. It provides insights into criminal defense strategies and negotiation tactics.
  9. “Inherit the Wind” (1960): Inspired by the Scopes Monkey Trial, this film portrays a fictionalized account of a courtroom battle between two lawyers—one defending the teaching of evolution and the other advocating for biblical literalism.
  10. The Verdict” (1982): Starring Paul Newman, this legal drama revolves around a down-on-his-luck lawyer who takes on a medical malpractice case. It delves into legal ethics, personal redemption, and courtroom procedures.

These movies offer valuable exposure to legal English terminology, courtroom dynamics, legal ethics, and various legal contexts. Watching them can help you develop a better understanding of legal language and communication skills. Remember to use English subtitles to aid comprehension, and you can also consider using the films as a basis for further discussion or analysis of legal issues.

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