Guaranteed Tips To Succeed With Women

3 Tips On How To Keep Conversation Going With A Girl – Guaranteed Tips To Succeed With Women

By Tuan Kiet  |   Submitted On March 6, 2021

Expert Author Tuan Kiet

One of the most important things that you can learn today is how to have the gift of gab. If you can figure out how to keep conversation going with a girl, you’re going to be able to get far with anyone. If you want a relationship, marriage, or you just want to sleep with someone new, you better know how to get them talking. The more they talk, the more comfortable they are going to be with you. Comfort is one of the basic elements that you want a girl to have with you, and honestly, it all starts with the process of learning how to keep conversation going with a girl.

Ask Questions About Them

The first thing that you should think about is simple, ask questions about them. You should be asking about their life, routine, and more. Don’t just ask about the mundane, think about other things that they may want to answer. Do not go straight to personal things, but rather open-ended items. Ask about a good memory they have from childhood, or what makes them smile today. Make them think about positive things in their lives, and try to follow up with things that you like from your childhood and good times. The key here is to get them to talk about themselves, and get comfortable with you. When you focus on how to keep conversation going with a girl, you need them to feel like you’re a good listener.

Talk of Interesting Stories

Always have a story in mind. Don’t just show up to a date or call someone on the phone and not have something to say. Look online if you don’t have a story, and try to find out something cool or unique. It can be funny, it could be odd, it could be something you saw on the way to see them etc. The key is to have a lot of anecdotes and stories that help you continue talking. Now, when you talk about things, you can follow up with another question, or just ask about their day etc. The key is to ensure that they see you’re confident, and in return they help you with a bit of conversation as well. You shouldn’t try to force the process of learning how to keep conversation going with a girl, instead, let things come through naturally.

Take Her Somewhere Interesting

One way to ensure that you are figuring out how to keep conversation going with a girl, is to take a girl somewhere interesting. Take her somewhere she’s never been, and have conversations about where you are, where you want to go, and so much more. For instance, go on a day hike to a romantic overlook. Doing so will have her opening up to you, and will no doubt help you get along better with them. Try to find spaces where conversation is critical, and not too loud. A loud and noisy place will not give you the same clearance. Take her somewhere nice, and you’ll find a great deal of positivity comes through.

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